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Игры с физикой: Algodoo v1.6.0

• Название игры / Game name: Algodoo v1.6.0
• Разработчик / Developer: Algoryx Simulation
• Жанр / Genre: Реальная физическая модель
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 18.20 Мб.
• Описание игры / Game description:

Algodoo - возрождение "песочницы" Phun, которая разрабатывалась шведским студентом Эмилем Эрнерфельдтом в рамках его работы на получение титула магистра наук при факультете информатики университета Умео. Сейчас права на разработку и распространение игры принадлежат фирме Algoryx Simulation, основанной сотрудниками факультета.

Ко всем плюсам предшественника добавились лазеры, которые можно расщеплять призмой на все цвета радуги, поддержка вебкамер, текстуры, поддержка акселерометра и многое многое другое.

Компьютерная игра-симулятор физики в виде "песочницы". Представляет собой графический анимационный редактор, основанный на технологии XML, который позволяет создавать объекты «на лету» - они сразу начинают подчиняться законам физики.

Long awaited, following the immense popularity of Emil Ernerfeldt's Phun 2D Physics Sandbox, we proudly present Algodoo!

Algodoo is a 2D-simulation environment for creating interactive scenes in a playful, cartoony manner, making use of the physics that we use to explain our real world. Algodoo is designed to encourage young people’s own creativity, ability and motivation to construct knowledge. The synergy of science and art makes Algodoo as educational as it is entertaining. Algodoo applies a constructionistic learning paradigm - learning by designing, constructing and exploring physical systems.

Algodoo is optimized for the Intel-powered convertible classmate PC. It utilizes the webcam to create physical models from live photos, the touch screen and digital pen input for drawing objects, and the accelerometer for virtual experiments and very direct interaction with the physical simulation. Young kids can use Algodoo for drawing and the physics make their drawings come to life. From this they can learn fundamental things about physics such as motion, forces, mass and density. Older kids can construct virtual experiments that illustrate the fundamental laws of physics such as conservation of energy and momentum. They can also build advanced and innovative machines or create an animation to tell a story.

• Functionality: create and edit scenes using simple drawing tools, save and load scenes, start and stop simulation, interact with simulation by click, drag, tilt and shake. Add color traces, force and velocity vectors for enhanced visualization.
• Physics: rigid bodies, fluids, chains, gears, gravity, contacts, friction, restitution, springs, hinges, lock, motors, light rays, optics.
• User community: Algodoo has a large and active community where you can exchange your created scenes and simulation videos. Among the users are youths, animators, teachers and science centers.
• Portal: The algodoo.com portal is a wiki and thus enables educators to efficiently exchange ideas, lectures and scenes.
• Methods: Algodoo is based on the latest technologies for interactive multiphysics simulation, including variational mechanical integrators and high performance numerical methods.

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